Chapter 9, Decision and PSA

Having come to the decision of continuing to mess with politics a little for the fun of it, she puts the matter onto hold until this weekend when the devils do their 'purge' of the fallen and kill Raynare while saving the little exiled priest, maybe she should take the girl in? After all she is in a way 'the god' of this world now considering that she accidentally let it connect to her and it's rather tedious to remove such a thing without intensifying the stamping out of problems her presence has already caused on this world. Though neither would bother her it's just mildly annoying to do more work when the result essentially serves no purpose. It'd probably connect again after all, and it being connected also hinders the amount of problems her presence causes- though again not a problem because she's just been exerting very minor influence to solve the problems with repeated ease regardless what it is that arises.

With a few days until she decides to essentially 'mark herself an enemy' of the Gremory family by standing in Rias's way for a moment and publicly making the birth of a Seraph in-front of the same girl which she intended to kill to gain more favor with her toy-

Maybe she should just time-skip herself to that point?

Or if she wants to play politics, there's a bunch of beautiful goddesses around locally looking for the source that connected to and expanded on their divinities. Major ones to, meaning they'd try to likely be a lot more possessive about her if they figure out it was her fault for the scenario.

Though they'd probably overstep a lot of bounds, they are goddesses after all and considering they're near the peak of strength in their world by being amongst the stronger beings of their race despite their divinities not correlating, they're likely to be very bratty.

Certainly could be entertaining though, if she were to do it she'd even let them see a few things about her soul so should she interact with them again they'll have learned to be more humble, or to start conflicts amongst themselves.

Well, why not start with the Greek Aphrodite, the Greek pantheon is known for their debauchery so if she spends even half a conversation's worth of time near the goddess of love, sex, and beauty she'll probably cause Aphrodite to go insane with a desire to possess her.

Yeah, Aphrodite is good, especially since part of what Luci would be letting her see was a variation of Artemis's mark that's meant for her fated Orion on her soul. Though the multiversal version of the huntress goddess is much stronger then any of her worldly confined counterparts she was never really ever able to catch up to Luci. Though her being a goddess of the moon has caused Luci to entirely avoid being in moonlight so Artemis at least would have a harder time finding her for the next 10,000 years or so if she stays in this world. While there's certainly more blessings that attempt to work as trackers on her soul from potential love interests who are quite powerful and want her, there isn't really any others from the Greek pantheon that would cause the drama she wants.

It would also cause Aphrodite to do some infighting and conflict with this world's Artemis who would have no clue what the fuck Aphrodite was on about.

Yeah, Aphrodite is a start.

Luci simply changes her clothes with a mental notion causing her attire to shift into a beautiful longer than average sundress which matches her hair for the most part before vanishing from the house after giving both her dear Renata and Kalawarner chaste teasing kiss on their cheeks.

She appears behind a long pink haired woman who's quite gifted in the way of assets and immediately wraps her arms around the woman's waist while leaning in beside her head and gently nibbling on her ear to tease her, while she manipulated reality to simply make others see nothing of what's she's doing, she had no wish for being wanted due to public indecency. "Got you~" Luci softly wispers in Aphrodite's ear while her own chest presses to the goddess's back as a shiver seems to run through Aphrodite's body.

Luci however lets the woman go; her actions having had a clear effect on the somewhat sexually depraved looking Aphrodite now as Aphrodite attempts to turn around to get a visual on the person who assailed her.

"Mmm? Why are you looking away from me sweetheart?" Luci questions in a playful tone, causing Aphrodite concern about how the person who suddenly gave her a visit is behind her again suddenly, also because she doesn't know who this powerful being is despite them obviously being so strong… and possibly more well versed in one of her divinities then her because of how that meeting action felt.

"Wh-who are you?" Aphrodite tries to question while doing her best to focus on quelling this unfamiliar feeling in her chest.

She needs to know more about this person after all, what's happening to her. She needs to know before she can try and understand how to fix it because the feeling in her chest is quite intense which is what makes it unfamiliar. Maybe if she can figure out who this is she could understand what makes her feel such a way.

"Mmm, how you're struggling is adorable, Aphrodite, though love is subjective so I guess your conceptual understanding of it could be different so I suppose I understand your concern." Luci finishes while tilting her head, looking at the goddess with a somewhat inquisitive look. "Be happy I suppose though, I'll let you remember my visage and keep it from doing you harm. Welcome to Japan." Before intentionally making Aphrodite see parts of her soul that she wants Aphrodite to see before vanishing a moment later.

Including a great many divine artifacts binded to her soul from various notable groups though the only familiar one to Aphrodite is Orion's arrow which connects to Artemis, the rush of information however is far to much however for Aphrodite to notice everything or mold it to memory.

Especially as she's captured by it's beauty before the sight of it seems to vanish, as the person who the pieces represented vanished as well.

Aphrodite was left behind in the street staring off as her eyes lit up once she came back to her senses, with recollection of the woman's words, who she had just met, she felt her divinities progress while she didn't even understand what the woman meant entirely.

Rather than seeking the woman out she knew she wouldn't find, she decided to take what information was obviously and purposefully given to her and leave Japan temporarily. It didn't matter if she had to wait for permitted re-entry into the country, she needed to speak to Artemis who was the only connection she had as of now to that woman.

Shifting back over to the somewhat mischievous being she's giggling to herself mildly due to the enjoyment of sending a sex crazed goddess on a hunt for leads to herself and the only hint she gave to the goddess was one relating to her pantheon's goddess of the hunt- though it was specifically a different version of Artemis but she wouldn't know that or need to know that, it's not like Aphrodite pays attention to the artifacts that gods use to represent themselves anyway, she just beds the other gods indiscriminately for the most part.

Freya and Ishtar are the main ones she feels like messing with at some time considering they're the only other goddesses with relating divinities that are from strong or stronger pantheons that decided to visit Japan in the event for their own investigation purposes.

Maybe for Ishtar she should pose as Gilgamesh? It would also likely catch Tiamat's attention if she were to do that though, but the chaos dragon god is quite a good looker and she's always wanted a dragon waifu. Using omniscience to figure out which ones are more compatible with her would just be boring of course, no surprise, she also doesn't wish for the chance of her perception of dragon girls getting ruined after watching anime and getting it manipulated by anime.

Fuck… maybe she should also seduce a hot version of Medusa too…

Gah! Temptations of the flesh, she'll probably accidentally get succubi at her door hourly soon if she keeps accidentally emitting such lust induced auras with her signature infused…

It would also be a literal calling card to all those women she's escaped and chooses to stay away from long as she can because if a few of them catch her again she'll likely be made to fall into an addictive trap.

She sits down in the living room of her house and collapses in a chair with a hefty sigh, she's doing way to much, "Renata my dear, tea please." And not being lazy enough in comparison.

Within moments she has her requested hot tea from Renata who she gives a quick passionate kiss to before pulling back and beginning to sip on her tea while Renata had begun to move away before being pulled back and made to sit in Luci's lap with a form of telekinesis and lets out a small squeal while being made to move back and into an embarrassing position.

The simple situation really makes her feel nice, calm and happy. Her sweet maid in her lap as a blushing mess due to being made to perform the role of a lover when unexpected while Luci lets the tea continue to make her feel that lethargic and torpid feeling she was looking for making her relaxed enough that she begins to sink into her chair somewhat while still holding her dear Renata.


They stay like that and fall asleep for the remainder of the day-

And for through the next day.

Waking up, Luci is quick to come to the conclusion of roughly how long it's been considering drinking tea puts her to sleep weirdly enough drinking tea usually sets her to sleep for the same amount of time roughly each time.

She has a few hours to decide how she'll dress up and maybe- who she'll frame for the situation. As if she hasn't scrapped the framing idea on the basis it'll be more fun to make people thing there's. New faction going about and invading the territory belonging to two of the satan's little sisters under noses of the Shinto pantheon? The gods she's messing with now might be able to make a connection between what she does and her presence when she appears to great them depending on how she manipulates perception of herself when she acts publicly.

She decides the statement she's going to make is going to be intensified in a way by the way she dresses, she's gonna be wearing a soft Snorlax onesie. And so she goes into action, setting her still sleeping maid down and blowing Kalawarner a kiss while she stands to the side, as she doesn't particularly know what to do still in her new job?

Well she teleports to the abandoned church and sits on one of the benches towards the back of the church's main hall, staying quiet and somewhat unnoticeable due to her- well not really wanting to be seen at the moment, though she also doesn't particularly hide her existence.

She watches as the church members are soon to be slain and freed killed for the first time soon after Kiba, issei, and koneko arrive, Koneko being the only one to notice her existence due to smell though not able to find it's origin.

She watches the entire event, Issei's motivational moment where his sacred gear evolves, followed by Raynare entering a state of disbelief and desperation to live while Issei starts to grapple with the nights events and the date he had with Raynare's alter ego.

While certainly a rather extreme turn of events for Issei and the other peerage members somewhat to take place all in one night. Well it seemed that way at least. It was an underwhelming conversation based fest to Luci as she stands up and rather dramatically her footsteps are heard amongst the silence between Raynare's pleas as the other peerage members don't speak.

Raynare, issei and Rias being the only ones still focused entirely on the cannon turn of events which should take place.

"Issei-! Ple-!" Raynare gets cut off from speaking however halfway through as her mouth shuts closed against her will in her alter ego form much to her surprise as she did not see anyone in front of her make a move.

"What a no no, don't want one of my future maids begging someone else, gah maybe I should've gone for the playful villain vibe." Luci trails off halfway through beginning to speak to herself.

Issei gets startled out of his thoughts and sees the woman standing behind Raynare- though most of her body seems like a blur to him, "huh???"

Rias Gremory steps forward in front of her pawn, taking a protective stance before speaking with as much authority she could muster, "Who are you?! What are you doing in the territory managed by the Gremory and Sitiri families?"

"For a little princess who doesn't want to be recognized for her family and it's value, you sure do seem to use their name quite a lot. Be quiet please little girl, you probably interest me the 3rd least out of those still alive in this abandoned church because you certainly didn't kill all those priests or the fallen so that's rather a large number to be at the bottom of." Luci just responds in a somewhat exasperated tone while reaching forward over Raynare's head while she's still on her knees trying to maintain her begging pose and grabs the fallen angel's forehead.

Before Rias can retort or complain about what was said, both her and her peerage members are awestruck by Raynare's wings unfurling themselves from her back along with the slow growing of 5 more pairs while they each gradually shift feather by feather from black to white. "Hmmm, you'll be my virtue of diligence, In return for saving your life and giving you purpose you'll be doing a lot of work for me." And spends a few moments just patting Raynare's head before teleporting the woman back to her house which just appears as though she's vanishing to the others.

"I imagine you must have many questions for me." She takes a moment, overlooking the awestruck peerage before continuing, "But I don't care, if you want to speak to me in the future about these events, their potential importance and implications, I advise you to send one of your peerage members that won't annoy me Rias or could garner favor with me. So in this order- Akeno, Koneko, or kiba, you're to bratty to do it yourself, Asia is to religious and while I was made this world's god because I'm in a sense the closest thing after his death, I am not the initial one she worshiped nor will I ever be, Gasper is to shy, and Issei would unfortunately fall in love with me using his pervert ideals and try to summon me each time he wanted to power up with titties. See you Monday, also, make sure you finished your homework children." And vanishes without giving them any room left to speak or respond.

Returning and reappearing in her own home, she lounges on a couch in her living room where she enchants the tv so she can watch the dramatic showdown between Aphrodite and Artemis. Or more specifically, Aphrodite rummaging through the other goddess's territory and possessions trying to find hints about Luci because she knows if Artemis had found a lover she definitely wouldn't spill and this situation to her is perfect proof. While Artemis eventually confronts Aphrodite and they go from there.

(A/N: this certainly took a while to get to the point where I was satisfied with the quality enough to publish it)