Outside the Tower (2)

[This is impossible...]

Amdusias stares up into the air in disbelief.

Size in the mental world is the size of a thoughts. It's how much weight you carry on your shoulders.

However, the size of Vikir's ego that was visible before his eyes was truly enormous.

Something that could not be explained unless one had experienced the full weight of karma, infinite doom, and the destruction of an entire world.

How could a single human being carry such a large and heavy burden?

How can such a being be here!

[What in the world are you, who are you, where did you come from, where did you grow up, to have such visions in your mind...]

Amdusias asked in a trembling voice.

But Vikir didn't answer.

He only repeated a single word to himself, like a mantra.

"Demons kill."

A hound from the Age of Destruction, a world where everything burned and rotted.

Carrying the grudges, the anger, and the mission of the entire world, Vikir's mind is so deep, so vast, so dark that even Amdusias cannot fathom it.


Vikir raised his fist, each finger like a giant mountain range.

He slammed it down on Amdusias.


The entire mental world shook.

An impact that could easily bring about the destruction of a world.


Amdusias was slammed down by the giant fist.

At the same time.


The mental world maintained by Amdusias' mental power began to shatter.

Cracks rippled through the air. Amdusias's magic field was fluctuating uneasily.

[Oh, no! Hell…!]

But Amdusias hadn't even finished his sentence.

The owner of this mental world is Vikir, and you cannot leave until the owner lets you go.

kwakwang! kwang! kwakwakwakwang!

The Age of Destruction is shattered by one punch after another.


Amdusias' magic field is completely shattered.

ttudug! ujijijijijig!

The entire Hell Tree began to shake.

* * *


It was a small start.

A man who had pitched a tent in front of the Hell Tree, thinking of his children who had entered the Hell Tree, raised his head.

The Hell Tree, which hadn't budged no matter what the heroes had done to it, had just tilted slightly to the side.

'Did I see it wrong?'

The man scratched his head.

But he wasn't mistaken.


Hell Tree was definitely leaning to the side.

Slowly, faintly, enough that most of the people gathered didn't even notice.


His eyes, which had been unraveling from sleepiness, snapped open.

He hurriedly opened his mouth, waking his wife who was sleeping next to him.

"Honey, wake up, I think it just moved..."

But he didn't finish his sentence.

peoeoeoeong! kwakwang! ujijijijig!

This is because the Hell Tree suddenly caused a loud explosion and twisted.

The roots of the Hell Tree, which were spread out in the shape of teeth, dried up, and the main roots snapped like broken bones.

Every time that happens, the concentrated sap inside pops out, and as soon as it hits the atmosphere, it immediately boils and vaporizes.


Luckily, the aftermath of the explosion was mostly directed at the sky, so the parents and professors gathered around were not harmed.


"Monsters! Monsters are coming out!"

"Dungeon! Is it a gate!"

"Prepare for battle!"

The problem was that the Hell Tree burst open and a myriad of monsters crawled out of it.

Orcs, hellhounds, ogres, goblins, harpies, and more were leaping out of the Hell Tree with all their might.

Parents and professors scrambled to their feet.

The heroes, led by Cervantes the Spear King and Roderick the Archon.


"What? What are they doing?"

"They're running away."

"They don't look like they have any intentions of fighting."

The demons that had emerged from the Hell Tree were still running away with their butts in the air.

Some of them were weeping and kissing the ground.

It was as if they hadn't come out to fight, but had been imprisoned somewhere and had been lucky enough to be released.

They weren't the only ones.

Various humanoid race, such as Insectking, Elves, Dwarves, and Beastmen, also come out of the Hell Tree and run away.

Among them were the barbarians of the western jungle.

The warrior tribe of Balak. Most of those who emerged from the Hell Tree were young, pale-faced boys and girls, but they were all seasoned warriors.

They broke through the parents and professors, who were shocked, and flew over the barrier like the wind and disappeared.

Slowly, the parents and professors realized what was happening.

"Surely the things that were trapped in the Hell Tree have come out!"

"My daughter! Where is my daughter!"

"Oooh, my son, This mom is here!"

Everyone who had been waiting anxiously was soon able to recognize the faces they had missed so much.

"Aaahhhh! Where else is this place?"

"Hmm? The Academy? Have we come to another floor?"

"Huh? I thought I had been eaten by a Daylily?"

"Hmph! Where am I? I must have fallen asleep in the common room of Paradise..."

The challengers were trapped inside the tower. The students of Colosseo Academy have all returned to their families.

The dead, the living, those who gave up, and those who tried, all came back alive equally.

"Oh, my son!"

"Oh, my daughter!"

"Oh, my graduate student!"

Everywhere, there were tearful reunions between parents and children, teachers and students.

"Awww mom, I've missed you for the past 10 years!"

"Dad, don't be so dramatic, I was only locked up for three days!"

"What are you talking about, you kids, it's been months since you were trapped in the Hell Tree!"

"More than that, father. Did you get the letter I sent you, apparently from a place called Lost Paradise..."

"Yes, I received it. Thanks to that, I was able to feel at ease."

Talks about recent events continue here and there.


In the meantime, the Hel Tree bracelets on the students' wrists have burned black and disappeared.

Meanwhile. Tudor, Sancho, Piggy, and Bianca have also emerged from the Hell Tree.

"Unbelievable! Wow, we really came out! really!"

"He's cleared the tower! Wow! Hooray!"

Tudor and Bianca hugged each other as soon as they were outside.

"Ugh! I thought I was going to be stuck in there for the rest of my life!"

"Huh! Don't cry, you'll make me cry too!"

But just as they were overwhelmed with joy at being out, they became conscious of the many eyes on them.


Tudor and Bianca, who had fallen into an awkward silence.



Cervantes and Roderick came over and pulled them apart.

Sancho and Piggy also burst into tears in the arms of their families.


Outside, Dolores is also breaking out in a cold sweat.

She could see Mozgus running in the distance, tears streaming down his face, and the face of Pope Nabokov I behind him, but her gaze went elsewhere first.

"...Are you successful?"

Dolores muttered in a small voice, looking down into the abyss below the sinking pit.


Triplets fell from the side, Highbro, Midbro, and Lowbro.

"Huh! What is it? Did we come out?"

"Did we come out?"

"Is it?"

They quickly realized what was going on.

Someone had cleared the tower, and they seemed to know who it was.


A grim-faced young man stepped in front of the Baskerville triplets.

Osiris Le Baskerville.

After staying here for quite some time, he asked the half-brothers in front of him.

"I'm glad to see you seem unharmed."

"Thank you."

Highbro bows his head in representation.

Osiris nodded, then looked around and asked.

"...Where is he?"

He refers to Vikir.

And there were more than one person looking for Vikir.

Dolores, Tudor, Sancho, Piggy, Bianca, Highbro, Midbro, Lowbro, and countless others whose lives had been saved by Vikir all looked up.

"And what about him?"

"Vikir! He's the reason we're alive!"

"Yes. He was a true hero."

"I said I would definitely show my gratitude if I could get out of the tower..."

"Uh, there is no way, except for him!"

"Are you sure he didn't get out?"

All the students had managed to escape, only Vikir was not there.


That was when Professor Morg Banshee, who came running in a huff after hearing the news that all the students had safely returned, had his expression darken.


A pillar of light of enormous size rose up from the very center of the Abyss where the Hell Tree sank..

It was thick and long, like an ascending dragon, and radiated tremendous power.

An aura. A pillar of aura.

It was a divine status that could not even be imitated by anyone other than a being in the Supreme Realm.

"What, what is that?"

"Master, it's the aura of the master!"

Even The Spear King Don Quixote's Cervantes and The Archon Usher's Roderick were so shocked that their eyes popped out.

Swordmaster. A solid aura that could only be manifested by a supreme being.

All eyes were focused on this absolute and bizarre phenomenon that had suddenly appeared.


Someone tore the curtain of the abyss and soared above it.

A being whose sword radiates the Sword Master's aura like a black sun.

Vikir was there.