The Marquis of Discord (6)

[Beyond that Gate of Destruction, there are sixty-two demons stronger than me.]

The impact hitting the back of the head instantly turns his vision into a dizzying darkness.

Vikir could tell Andras's words were mocking, but not untrue.

"...! ...! ...! ...!"

Vikir could feel the malicious gazes from all sides of the portal now, cutting into his skin in real-time.

His skin burned as if it had been under a magnifying glass for a long time, the unpleasant sensation of countless worms burrowing deep into his insides, and the feeling of being watched by countless eyes.

He could feel the other 62 great evils watching him.

The gazes from beyond the wall of searing black flames were like thick spears, piercing into his body and soul.

If it were a normal person, just receiving one of these gazes would have been enough to make them vomit blood and die.


Vikir watched as gigantic shadows were cast beyond the dozens of portals Andras had created.

The nebula-eating serpent, the leader of the insects, the king of the vampires, the scorpion that spewed dark venom, the woman who was beautiful on the outside but no one could tell what was inside, the desert-eating monkfish, the lord of all things rotten, the centipede that scales mountains, the one who walks beneath the sea, the giant that tears up the earth, the fire-drinking lion, the bird with wings that covers the sky, the executioner of the graveyard, the corpse that lies rotting in the swamp, the tentacles that burrow deep, and so on....

Things with all sorts of sinister names were showing interest in this world.

They salivate and turn to look this way.

A world where the Gate of Destruction has not yet been opened, where there is still so much to destroy and ruin!

Vikir gritted his teeth.


Some of the great shadows cast beyond the portal have already noticed the presence of this world.

And some of the more vile among them were preparing to cross over.

Gazes that convey a huge malice and an intense desire for destruction that have never been felt before, even in the Age of Destruction.

Andras chuckled.

[The 62 Demons of the Otherworld are absolutes that not even I can stand against, and among them are noble ones that I dare not even fathom, whose shadows on the ground cannot even be kissed.]


Vikir looked out over the great portal at the forefront.

A single shadow loomed over the army of demons.

It emanated a nostril-bursting stench.

The name 'Baal' can be seen written on the flag in the language of a long-extinct demonic sovereign.

The shadow of evil it cast was thicker, darker, and more ominous than any other.

'...You seem stronger and more evil than all Ten Corpses I've ever faced combined.'

Even Decarabia, hanging from his chest, trembled.

[This is the 'Mother of Destruction', the mother of the 72 demons. When she crosses over, it will be the end of all things, the end of this world. She is the one and the all, the all and the one. ....]

Vikir suddenly realized the meaning of Decarabia's words.

[Are you confident, then, that you can bear the wrath of your own people, that you can take the wrath of one who is 'one and all', who is 'all and one', with your whole body?]

[...The answer will be kept secret forever by covenant.]

A line of dialog between Belial and Decarabia during the battle at Bourgeois.

It was a warning to the remaining 62 demons beyond the portal, perhaps preparing for reinforcements after the Age of Destruction.

Andras spoke.

[The construction of the Gate of Destruction. It is the building of a bridge over which the 72 demons of Polar Hell will cross with the armies they have recruited from their respective realms, and our row of bottom seats is the Pilot, who has crossed over to do just that].


[You thought the war was over after you died, but you were sorely mistaken. We on the other side of the world line have just finished our work and fallen back. Now the remaining humans in that world are facing their true destruction against the remaining 62 demons. You should be glad you died before then and were brought to me.]

Andras looked at Vikir.

Then he opened his mouth, emanating darkness and a foul smell from his eyes.

[It is not too late. If you tell me who and where my brother is, I can close this door now. I don't want to send upward what I can finish in my line. World interference is complicated enough.]


[I know it's not your world, but don't you think this one is nicer to you now, and do you want it to be destroyed like that one, which is wrong anyway?]

Andras conjured numerous illusions into the dark mists of his own creation.


It depicted all the people Vikir had met and all the connections he had made since his regression.

'Don't try to take it all on yourself. You've come all this way, think of the people who care about you.'

'All these people here are following you, Vikir, and they're ready to follow you wherever you go, right?'

'You shouldn't go inside because I'm always watching you. I don't want you to get sick.'

'Stop fighting. My brother, I'm already feeling very disturbed.'

'...Are you going to the Imperial Castle? I've only encountered it in literature.'

The voices in his head are as vivid as if they were right next to him.

Camus has always been by his side.

Dolores, who has been supporting him without making a sound.

Aiyen, who not only saved his life but also crossed life and death with him many times.

Sinclair, who chose to stay by Vikir's side despite her own conflicts and worries.

Kirko, who turned his back on her homeland and followed Vikir into the terrible war ahead.

That's not all.

Colleagues that he met in the jungle of ​​the Red and Black Mountains.

Friends from the Colosseo Academy.

Ties made in Nouvelle Vague.

The triplets Highbro, Midbro, and Lowbro, who met in Baskerville as enemies and became trusted allies.

Osiris, the eldest son, who was always distant and cold, but now seems like an older brother who is not good at expressing his emotions.

The Seven Counts, now bonded in their own way.

... And Vikir's feelings for Hugo that he still can't explain.

And the countless other faces that stare back at him.

The darkness of his vision swells. The visions surrounded Vikir, animated as if they were within reach.

[Now, you have no other choice, if you wish to close the portal, accept my offer.]

Andras continues to wiggle his tongue, knowing full well that Vikir is in no position to defeat them.

But. Vikir is not swayed at all.

"I could kill you and close that door."

[Are you still dreaming? The portal I have created cannot be closed by anyone but me! It is not like the Gate of Destruction! Have you seen the holes in your clothes close themselves? When I die, this portal will remain open forever!]

Andras continued to urge Vikir on as if he were full of energy.

But Vikir's demeanor remained steadfast.

"I don't make deals with demons. I only kill them."

[You're insane. Do you really have no intention of closing this portal?]

Andras's threats were becoming more and more tangible.

The ends of the 62 shadows slowly falling beyond the portal converge toward Vikir.

But despite this, Vikir maintains his unwavering demeanor.

"No. I can close it."

Andras was about to scream at the top of his lungs.

... Just then.

Andras, who was just about to say, 'What can you do!', could only squeak out the sound of the escaping wind.


A sword pierces through his chest.

The sword pierced through his back and exited his chest, the back edge of the sword piercing right through Andras' heart, which was pulsing with mana from the portal.


Andras's face instantly changed to that of the First Prince, Jack Merrydue.


His head spins slowly, ticking like a rusty clockwork.

The landscape behind him comes into view.

There was a heavy coffin attached to an iron chain.

Vikir had been carrying it on his shoulder ever since he entered the palace, ever since he sailed from Tochka.

The coffin lid, heavy with the sense of duty, guilt, anger, and hatred for the demons that the old demon hunter had carried in his heart all his life, was now wide open.

And the being that lay within was now driving a sword into Andras's back.

The crown prince's eyes widened as he recognized the face.

The owner of the hand that held the sword hilt.

He was Piggy.

Just Piggy, with no last name.

An inferior student at the academy, a frail friend who had always followed Vikir.

But somehow, the brilliance that radiated from his eyes right now was enough to overwhelm Andras, who stared back.

Andras stammered into the crown prince's mouth.

[Golding... Golding Ralph. Golding Piggy Ralph And... No, Andras!]

The Second Crown Prince, is one of the two branches of the Imperial bloodline.

At the same time, the first of the Ten Corpses, another heteromorphic Andras and a heteromorphic Andras stood there.

First Crown Prince and Second Crown Prince And the beings of this type gathered in one place.

<'First Corpse' Andras>

Danger Rating : S+

Size: ?

Found in: Serpent's Womb, Deep Within the Gate of Destruction.

-Nicknamed 'The First Corpse'.

One of the Ten Plagues, the natural enemies of mankind, incomprehensible and unkillable.

"Both worlds will become dark."

– 『Ten Commandments』 10:1 –

It was the emergence of a true First Corpse.