She let out a shaky breath as she was quick to pull away from him. She found the encounter close. Maybe a little too close. The last thing that she wanted to do was to kiss him again. It seemed as though they had one too many close encounters with one another.

She needed to snap out of it. It wouldn't do her any good and she had to pull herself out of her wavering thoughts. Sev cleared his throat as he turned towards the girl who stood beside him. He didn't know what it was about her but it seemed as though she knew all the right things to do in order to infuriate him and light a fire inside of him which all he wished to do was extinguish.

He had met many women in his time. Many loved to infuriate and test him. He often found himself enjoying their fire but when it came to her it was different. She sent a different type of electricity flowing through him. One that went straight to his groin.

He looked towards her again and he knew that she was going to be trouble to him. He didn't want to have to worry about her causing him to lose most of his senses. He had to admit that she was beautiful and cunning but he also had to stay focused on what really mattered. He couldn't allow himself to get distracted by her.

"Well common". She said to him and he realized that she had already made her way to the flap. He cursed himself as he followed behind her and they made their way outside to find Fay standing there.

He had a smirk on his face and it almost seemed as though it was his way of telling them that he knew what they had been doing.

He huffed, narrowing his eyes at his antics, and in truth, he didn't want to have to deal with this or him for that matter right now.

"What is it?" He asked him through gritted teeth.

"Well, I just wanted to see how the two of you were doing. Have you started the engagement ceremonies?" He asked.

She looked towards Sev with confusion as he didn't say anything to her at first. "What ceremonies?" she asked.

She watched as  Fay let out dramatic gasps as he looked toward Sev. "It seems you, my darling, haven't been told anything. He had met you in the dark and it is clear to see. It is a tradition of his people that after the announcement of the engagement that the couple go through three challenges. Once it is fine then it is decided that they are fit to marry one another." He explained to her.

She widened her eyes at his words as if she hadn't been expecting him to say that. Back in her pack, they had never had things like this and it seemed a bit much. She didn't want to have to go through all of this. She didn't know or understand the reason why.

"Fine. We can start the proceedings tomorrow." He said to him. She didn't have time to reach as he reached over and grabbed a hold of her hand. She looked towards him in confusion as she couldn't help but wonder what he was up to.

"We have to get going we have an announcement to make." He said to Fay. She was confused as she was left unable to say anything as he dragged her towards the pack ground.

They stood in the middle of the training field and she watched as he let out a low whistling sound from his loss as he looked the crowd over.

They bowed their heads at him submissively until he cleared his throat. "Well, your Luna and I would like to announce to the pack that we are going to be getting married. I know that this is not a tradition that is commonly practiced but it is meant to further show our love for one another and to strengthen our bond. And so we ask that the pack helps us by sending their salutations and showing us how happy they are for us three times." He said and then watched as several mixed emotions flashed over the pack members' faces.

She didn't expect this from him and she couldn't help but notice the jealousy from the women. "If anyone has anything to say against this they can take it up with the moon goddess. For she was the one who had chosen us to be together." He announced.

She didn't know exactly how to feel about this sham of a marriage. She felt almost as though they were making a mockery of the moon goddess and what she stood for. A part of her was afraid of how she would retaliate when she did decide to do so.

"But Alpha. You said that she wasn't your real mate and that you didn't care for her." Sasha says and the Luna wasn't entirely surprised by the clear disrespect as well as her outburst.

This wasn't the first time that she had tried something like this and it wouldn't be the last. She was a thorn in her back and she knew that she would continue to undermine her and try to stand against her any chance that she got if she didn't act and try to do something about it. She had to fix the problem before things got any worse.

"And that is why Sasha I am making the  decision to excuse you from being a member of this pack and this kingdom." She announced.

She watched as Sasha's eyes widened in shock and horror as her lip trembled. She felt a hand squeeze her own but she wasn't done.

"I banish you to the forest for being disrespectful to your Luna and your inability to accept change". She announced.

The air had shifted and it was time to show them that she indeed was the Luna for a reason.