Chapter 24: Little Lady

She looked down at the fruit in the food storage box in front of her, puzzled...who sent it?

The fruit was already washed and cut, packaged in a transparent box, and looked very fresh.

In addition, a bottle of milk was placed next to it—a very thoughtful gesture!

Was it her brother? But, it didn't seem so. If it were her brother, he would usually come himself.

Moreover, even though her brother occasionally brought her some food, he seldom took cares to wash and cut the fruit before bringing it to her.

"Oh, Michelle Campbell, I thought I had mistaken you for someone else!" Just as Michelle Campbell was staring blankly at the fruit, a voice filled with mockery suddenly came from behind her.

Upon hearing this harsh voice, Michelle Campbell didn't need to turn around to know who it was.

Katherine Lawson, the principal's biological daughter, normally took advantage of her family's power to act tyrannically in school.

She always carried an air of arrogant pride.