Chapter 53: Enhancing Couple's Feelings

Watching the live broadcast of the press conference under such circumstances made Michelle Campbell feel particularly stifled.

It seemed as if Samuel Noah Jackson, who was reading documents, suddenly sensed her faint desire to vent her complaints. He lifted his head and glanced at her.

"You seem to have a problem with me?" He raised his eyebrows and suddenly asked her.

Michelle subconsciously wanted to nod, of course! She had finally come to a press conference, but she was only allowed to watch it on TV. How could she not have a complaint!

Just as Michelle was halfway through nodding, she suddenly caught sight of Samuel's cold, black eyes, and she froze.

"Don't you think watching the press conference here is superfluous?" Michelle said with dissatisfaction.

They had come all the way here, so why should they watch it on TV...

She didn't understand Samuel's logic.

"So, you mean, me bringing you to the press conference is superfluous?" Samuel Noah Jackson frowned.