Chapter 55 Do you think I have a poor memory?

"The room has a restroom." Samuel Noah Jackson immediately saw through her intention and said it on purpose with a cold laugh. She was planning to sneak out in the midst of that?

"Hehe... I didn't notice it earlier." Michelle Campbell gave an awkward smile. She had merely grabbed at a pretext... but it was apparent that fooling Samuel was not an easy task.

"However, my belly doesn't hurt now, I just feel a bit thirsty, can I go out for some water?" Michelle turned her head around, noticing that there were no water cups or any beverages in the suite. This excuse would do, wouldn't it?

No sooner had Michelle finished speaking, than Samuel's cellphone rang. He glanced at her and after that, answered the call.

Seeing that, Michelle took his silence as consent quickly slipped out of the suite while he was on the call.

The press conference was in full swing. On the T-stage, a male model, almost six feet tall with a good figure, was showcasing DL's new products for the winter!