Chapter 73: Where Did This Little Girl Come From?

"Michelle Campbell, let's go!" Samuel Noah Jackson suddenly walked over, lowering his head and whispering in her ear.

This intimate distance startled Michelle Campbell for a moment, and then she hurriedly followed his pace.


As Samuel entered the high-rise building, many passing JS employees cast their gazes at him.

And Michelle Campbell, who was following behind him, attracted even more attention.

This was the first time they had ever seen a woman accompanying their boss.

However, she seemed to be a student, perhaps the boss's younger sister.

Of course, they would never think of Michelle Campbell in the direction of Samuel's wife.

Because everyone knows that their boss... likes men. This had already become a public secret.

All the assistants, secretaries, and bodyguards around him were all men without exception.

There had never been a woman around him.


Michelle Campbell followed Samuel into the elevator and went directly to the penthouse office.