Chapter 104: Watch If I Dare or Not!

By the time Michelle Campbell came around a little, she was already lying on the soft big bed in the bedroom.

What's going on?

She rubbed her eyes and looked at Samuel Noah Jackson in front of her.

His cold and detached face was now full of serious expressions.

His black pupils were emitting an icy cold aura... making her heart shudder...



Samuel Noah Jackson coldly grunted and pressed her down beneath him.

His strong arms propped on either side of her head, not putting his weight on her.

Black eyes stared deeply at her face...

This stupid woman daringly went on a date alone with another man!

And the man was just an actor!

Since when did they hook up?

Damn it! This woman, out of sight for a moment, and she's flirting around!

Doesn't she know she's a married woman now?


Michelle blinked, staring at the Samuel who was very close to her at this moment.

Looking at his sexy thin lips, Michelle felt an impulse to kiss them.