Chapter 110: Don't Think About That Anymore!

She froze, looking at her cellphone, her face full of innocence and confusion...

It was reachable just now, how did it become an empty number in a moment?

Normally, this situation occurs when the other party has added her number to the blacklist, so when she dials, it will prompt an empty number.

Michelle Campbell was surprised, did she do anything to offend Joe Webb yesterday?

She tried hard to recall the situation last night in her mind, but all she could think of were some fragmented and blurred images.

Except for what happened after she came back with Samuel Noah Jackson, she couldn't remember the rest.

Joe Webb's temper is strange in general, although he always smiles and appears handsome and elegant.

But his personality is extremely weird, which she could tell from the fact that he called her into the restaurant yesterday and forced her to drink.