Chapter 144: Are You Serious?

So, his current capriciousness, his arrogance and domineering attitude in private...are all because of the influence of that past incident?

"That day when I said those hurtful words to you, it was only because I remembered those unpleasant memories, I hope you can forget..." Joe Webb paused for a moment before continuing.

Seeing his sincere apology and sharing those unbearable past events with her, Michelle Campbell's weakness for being easily soft-hearted surfaced once again...

"Alright..." She nodded, agreeing to it.

Actually, Michelle was extremely angry when she was insulted by him yesterday, but now that he has explained, it seems like she isn't that angry anymore.

Furthermore, he has put aside his superstar pride and specifically came to apologize to her today. If she still refused to forgive him, it would seem like she was being unreasonable...


Seeing her nod, Joe Webb's face revealed that charming signature smile of his...