Chapter 175: Do You Think I'm Blind?

As for returning home at 7 o'clock in the evening, hadn't he already checked it through the video!

"Are you sure?" Samuel Noah Jackson's eyes turned cold, and his voice suddenly became chillier.

Michelle Campbell was startled by his demeanor...

She looked at him with an innocent face and then nodded hesitantly.

"Michelle Campbell, it seems I need to give you a good lesson!" Samuel Noah Jackson sneered!

As he finished speaking, he suddenly raised his hand, his long fingers hooked her chin.

Then he suddenly lowered his head, approaching her.

Just as Michelle Campbell was bewildered, she felt a sharp pain on her lips...

"Hiss..." Michelle Campbell's face wrinkled into a ball, and she cried out in pain.

He actually bit her!

Is this his so-called education?

Michelle Campbell looked unsatisfied, and hurriedly pushed him away!

"Do you remember now?" Samuel Noah Jackson looked at her solemnly.

His sensual thin lips now had a touch of blood...