Chapter 183: Being a Little Woman...

As the lights in the windows of other flats in the high-rise building went out one after another, the light in that particular window remained on.

He took another drag from his cigarette and blew out a puff of white smoke.

He glanced at the time; it was already two o'clock in the early morning...

It was already very late...

Hadn't she gone to bed yet?

Thinking about it, he put out his cigarette and picked up the cellphone that had been tossed aside.

After unlocking his cellphone, he skillfully dialed a familiar string of numbers.

It was Mila Collin's phone number.

After all these years... there was an unspoken understanding between him and Mila Collins.

Both of them were still using their old mobile phone numbers.

Although they had both changed their cellphones multiple times, he had never changed that number.

Just as he was about to make the call, his hand hesitated and he couldn't bring himself to dial the number.

If he called... what should he say then...