Chapter 208: Not Knowing What Romance Is...

"Thank you!" Michelle Campbell smiled at her then took the tissue to wipe her nose.

"Have some hot water!" Mila Collins softly handed her the cup filled with hot water.

Michelle Campbell nodded, took the water cup, took a sip, and felt better.

"It's been pretty cold these days. Make sure to wear more clothes tomorrow." Mila Collins took a look at Michelle, then sat down next to her, advising her like an elder sister.

The temperature had dropped significantly in City S, she had just heard from the staff that a flu virus was going around...

Michelle Campbell nodded, feeling warmth in her heart. At this moment, she felt as if Mila truly was her sister-in-law...

"Um! Can you tell me about your past with my brother?" She was a bit curious. How did such a gentle man like her brother pursue a girl?

"There are a lot of stories from before. Which one do you want to hear?" A faint sweet smile spread across Mila's face.

That period of innocence was the most precious memory in her life.