Chapter 286: This Kind of Hobby...

She did not dare to accept his gratitude... Who knew if his gratitude was just a pretext to give her a beating...

After finishing her sentence, Michelle quickly freed herself from his embrace, bounced off the bed barefoot, and ran at a quick pace into the bathroom, disappearing from sight.

Watching her playful escape, Samuel couldn't help but give her a smile.



Soon, a soft knock was heard at the bedroom door.

"Manager!" Dylan's voice came from outside the door.

"Come in!" Samuel climbed down from the bed, adjusted his bathrobe, and commanded.

The door opened, and Dylan came in from outside.

Seeing Samuel at this moment, Dylan, who usually wore an impassive look was awestricken.

"What's up?" Samuel frowned then asked him.

"Manager, your hair..." Dylan said, looking astonished at Samuel, specifically...That small braid on his head!

When did the manager develop a habit of braiding his hair?