Chapter 289: Deliberately Angering Him?


A few minutes later, on the second floor of the villa, the private cinema!

On the big screen, a relatively popular foreign animated movie that Michelle Campbell had just chosen was playing.

Samuel Noah Jackson sat in the middle, separating little Flynn from Michelle Campbell.

Surprisingly, Michelle didn't have any objections or second thoughts about this arrangement.

However, Flynn was somewhat unhappy about it. He tried a few times to sneakily change seats and sit next to Michelle,

but he was restrained by Samuel's line of sight, and ultimately could only obediently stay where he was.

Looking at Samuel Noah Jackson sitting next to him dejectedly, Flynn finally couldn't help but speak up.

"Beautiful Sister Olivia, can I sit next to you?" He wanted to sit close to the gentle Michelle Campbell, not next to his fierce uncle!

"Of course you can!" Without any hesitation, Michelle Campbell agreed.

The seat next to her was empty anyway!