Chapter 307: He Doesn't Care!

He hoped she could always live this pure and happy life, without any disturbance to her peace and joy...


Michelle Campbell sneaked out of her own room, darted into the storage room of the Campbell family home, and found a cardboard box. She then hid a photo which was an 'embarrassing past'!

Only after making sure the photo was well hidden, did she let out a sigh of relief!

Once all of these preparations were complete, she then returned to her room.

Upon entering her room, she saw Samuel Noah Jackson standing in front of the window...

Only when she walked in, did she realize he was holding a box in his hands, studying it detail, as if he was looking at something interesting...

Michelle Campbell walked over in curiosity, only to realize that it was her jewelry box...

The box held pieces she wore in her childhood, all small trinkets of little value, but she couldn't bear to throw them away, and had collected them in a box.