Chapter 313: He Can't Be Deceived!

Just then, the doorbell suddenly rang, breaking the silence.

The sound interrupted Mila Collins's thoughts, and as soon as she came to her senses, she hurriedly got up and went to the door, ready to see who it was.

When she looked through the peephole and saw the person outside, her face couldn't help but show excitement and joy...

The next moment, she quickly opened the door of the apartment!

"Henry Parker, how come you're here..." Mila looked at Branden Campbell standing in the doorway with joy, feeling somewhat excited in her heart.

Shouldn't he be at home celebrating the festival with his family right now? How come he's here?

Branden Campbell looked up at her and then walked straight in with two food storage boxes filled with dumplings.

The room was pitch dark, which made him feel a little uncomfortable. He turned on the lamp with his free hand...

He had personally decorated this room back then, so he knew the position of the switches very well.