Chapter 315: What did you say... just now?

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but hesitated, his gentle eyes filled with a hint of pain...

The issue of having a child has always been a hurdle in his heart...

Yet, watching her pleading and apologizing, he felt a stir of emotions...

Noticing this, Mila Collins leaned on Branden Campbell, tentatively lifted her head, and slowly leaned towards his lips.

As their lips touched, there was still a hint of hesitation in Branden Campbell's eyes.

But Mila reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, taking the initiative to kiss him...

Branden was soon enveloped by her enthusiasm, gradually causing him to lose control and respond to her.

Mila was elated, her hand slowly moving to his chest, intending to unbutton his coat...

However, at that moment, Branden Campbell's body stiffened, and he reached out to hold her hand that was attempting to unbutton his coat.

Mila paused, felt a pang in her heart, and then pulled away from his lips...