Chapter 320: He is Taking a Bath...

Samuel Noah Jackson was clearly not satisfied with this light kiss, and immediately threw away the red envelope in his hand, and then pressed her head with his hand, deepening the kiss...


A shallow kiss gradually developed into an uncontrollable situation...

Samuel Noah Jackson let go of Michelle Campbell's lips, picked her up horizontally, and strode towards the big bed!

At this moment, the evening party on the LCD TV is still on live broadcast as the splendid fireworks bloom in the sky outside the floor-to-ceiling windows...


After a long time, when everything in the bedroom had calmed down.

Michelle is already exhausted and has fallen asleep in his arms. Samuel hugs her shoulders, quietly staring at her sleeping face.

Looking at her peacefully sleeping, his emotions slowly calmed down as well...

Outside the window, the fireworks feast continues... lively and extraordinary!