Chapter 330: Taking Necessary Measures

"It's just like the one in the photo, it must be her." Then, a weathered elderly voice sounded.

"But are you sure that a woman... can really be of help to us?"

"We have no other options!" There was a sense of hatred in the elder's voice! "He didn't directly destroy me, he wants to torment me slowly like this, and avenge what happened back then! If I don't fight back, my fate will be even worse!"

"Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore, call me when she wakes up, and you guys keep a close watch!" said the elder.



Listening to such a conversation, Michelle Campbell, whose consciousness was gradually recovering, was more cautious not to make any rash moves...

She probably already knew that she had been kidnapped...

The first person that came to her mind was Aaron Duncan!

For so many years, only the Duncans had a feud with the Campbell Family!

However, the conversation just now made her somewhat unsure... It sounded like they were not the Duncans.