Chapter 381: Little Short Leg, Michelle Campbell

"Alright!" The servant turned and left.

"Let's go, I'm hungry too!" Michelle Campbell rubbed her belly and suddenly looked at him, pouting her lips as she spoke!

She didn't have much appetite on the plane and didn't eat much. Now she was really a bit hungry!

"Alright!" Samuel Noah Jackson pursed his thin lips and nodded in agreement!


After tidying up their clothes, Michelle Campbell and Samuel Noah Jackson left the bedroom and headed for the Noah Jackson Family Restaurant!

The Noah Jackson Mansion was so large that it took some time to get to the restaurant.

"Is dining always like this here, isn't it very troublesome?" As they walked, Michelle Campbell couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Troublesome?" Samuel Noah Jackson frowned.

"Yeah, if you were really hungry, you'd probably starve to death before you even got to the restaurant!" Michelle Campbell sighed and spoke helplessly!