Chapter 399: Because, He is Samuel Noah Jackson


After a while, Michelle remembered the phone call she just had with Branden, and she almost forgot about the important matter at hand.

"By the way, Samuel, can you do me a favor?" Thinking of it, she suddenly asked.

"What favor?" Samuel glanced at her and asked.

"I want to ask you to lend me some money…" Michelle bit her lips and then continued speaking.

From her childhood to the present, other than her parents, she had never asked anyone else for money.

Hearing her suddenly asking for money, Samuel was somewhat surprised and delighted. That woman was asking him for money for the first time, proactively!

He had been waiting for this day for a long time...


"How much?" His eyes didn't blink as he directly asked.

Seeing him being so straightforward, Michelle hesitated for a bit.

But after thinking for a bit, she still stammered as she spoke.

"Eighty million…"

Indeed, the amount was a bit too much!

Mila's Agency Company was way too exploitative!