Chapter 404: The Place Where He Lived in His Childhood

Thinking about it, Michelle Campbell hesitated and then looked up again at the lonely house in front of her...

Samuel Noah Jackson brought her here...

Is this the place where he grew up?

"Wait for me!" Samuel Noah Jackson suddenly turned his head and said to her in a low voice.

Michelle instinctively nodded her head.

The next moment, Samuel picked up a stone from the ground and smashed it against the big lock on the iron gate.

With a bang, the already rusty big lock was broken and fell to the ground.

Samuel pushed open the iron gate...

"Let's go!" He turned his head and looked at Michelle standing behind him.

Michelle paused, then followed him into the building.


The door of the building was not locked. Upon reaching the door, Samuel gently pushed it open...

With a creaking sound, the door was pushed open...

Simultaneously, a strong smell of dust and a somewhat moldy aroma rushed to their noses!

Michelle frowned and instinctively covered her nose.