Chapter 440: Behave, Don't Make Any Trouble!

Seeing Samuel Noah Jackson arriving, Michelle Campbell was somewhat taken aback, not expecting him to find here so quickly.

"Come back with me!" Samuel strode in front of Michelle, looking down at her and speaking softly.

"I don't want to go back." Michelle raised her head, glanced at him, and then said indifferently.

Seeing that she was unwilling to go back with him, Samuel didn't get angry, just stared at her for a few seconds...

A few moments later, he suddenly bent down and directly lifted her from the chair!

"Samuel Noah Jackson, what are you doing!" Struggling with anger after being forcefully held once again, Michelle said.

This man was always so domineering, ignoring her thoughts and acting according to his own methods and wishes!

Had he ever thought that she was also a thoughtful person, not a wooden puppet that could be manipulated!

"Behave, stop making trouble!" Samuel lowered his voice and whispered in her ear.