Chapter 447: Setting off Fireworks in Broad Daylight?

Forget it, she didn't want to continue talking with them.

Michelle Campbell shook her head and got out of bed, lifting the blanket.

"Please wash and rinse first, Third Young Lady. Breakfast will be delivered right away!" the servant whispered as a reminder.

But Michelle didn't even look at them, instead walking straight towards the window of the bedroom...

She lifted the curtain and glanced at the weather outside...

Today was a cloudy day, the sky filled with dark clouds, just like her mood.

"Where is Samuel Noah Jackson?" She turned her head and asked the servant.

"Third Young Master went out early in the morning for an errand," the servant replied truthfully.

Hearing this answer, Michelle pouted and then simply sat down by the window.

With Samuel not around, her mood was not lifted!

Looking at the world outside, she felt even more depressed.

She wanted to go home... not wanting to stay in this place any longer.