Chapter 497: Truly Beautiful...

"Is this the one you rented?" She looked at the yacht and then asked Samuel Noah Jackson curiously.

The feeling of going for a sea breeze on this should be quite nice!

Hearing this, Samuel glanced at her with a disdainful look in his eyes.

Realizing something, she stared at him in astonishment, "Did you buy it?"

"The manager bought this yacht for you, it's in your name, and the payment has been made. The procedures are in progress!" At this moment, Dylan Lewis, who couldn't help but spoke up to explain.

Michelle Campbell was even more astonished after hearing Dylan's words...

Bought...and even in her name.

Just to have a ride...

So wasteful...he really is the epitome of new money, Michelle thought to herself in bitterness.

"Let's go!" Samuel swept a glance at the yacht, then placed his hand on her waist and led her towards the yacht!

Michelle nodded her head and followed him onto the yacht.
