Chapter 526: When Did You Learn This Move?

She and Lucas Cooper hadn't done anything, just met up, but he looked at her with the eyes as if he caught her cheating. This made Michelle Campbell feel extremely wronged!

Listening to her weak pleading voice and her innocent expression, the area around Samuel Noah Jackson's heart warmed, and his heart almost softened!

Just a little, he almost nodded in agreement, but he stopped this thought in time!

"Don't say anything else until you explain things clearly!" he pursed his thin lips, speaking displeased!

But in his voice, there was a trace of helplessness!

He found that he really had no way to deal with her...

For Michelle Campbell, he couldn't bring himself to hit her, nor to scold her, and the moment he saw her tears, he'd become flustered!

Even he himself didn't expect that the once fearless Samuel Noah Jackson would become like this now...


Seeing that he was still angry, Michelle Campbell hesitated and bit her lip!