Chapter 580: Gained Some Weight...

On the way, she made up many excuses for herself to deal with Samuel Noah Jackson, but thinking about it, none of them were viable...

No matter what she said, Samuel Noah Jackson's sharp gaze could see through it all, right?...

Thinking about it, Michelle Campbell clenched her teeth and gently touched her lower abdomen!

Forget it, there was nothing to be afraid of; she was now pregnant with his child, and she didn't believe he would dare do anything to her!


Soon, several vehicles returned to the mountainside villa one after another.

As soon as they got out of the car, Michelle Campbell supported Jessica Webb into the villa.

Seeing Michelle Campbell return, a servant walked over and politely said, "Madam, you're back, the soup is ready, would you like to drink it now?"

Since the time Michelle Campbell returned to the mountainside villa for prenatal care, she had to drink different soups every day according to the nutritionist's rules...