Chapter 594: I... Don't Want To...

Both bearing head-to-toe pride and… tsundere...

Upon hearing this, Edward Noah Jackson's complexion changed, but he did not respond to Michelle Campbell's words immediately.

His confidence?

A moment later, he suddenly nodded, "Okay!"

Even he himself didn't know why he wanted to nod in agreement!


"Go get Jessica down here!" Seeing Edward agree, Michelle turned her head and spoke to the servant.

"Yes!" The servant nodded, turned around and left, hurrying upstairs!

In a short while, the servant helped Jessica Webb, who was still limping slightly, down the staircase.

When she saw Edward Noah Jackson, she hesitated for a moment, almost tripping, but luckily the servant caught her.

"Miss George, are you alright?"

"I'm fine...thank you." Jessica shook her head with a smile, then nervously continued walking down.

After descending the staircase, Jessica walked unnaturally over to Michelle's side but hesitated to look at the man across from her.