Chapter 623: Are you ready?

"Don't be afraid, give me your hand!" At this time, Samuel Noah Jackson came over, suddenly took her hand that was gripping her clothes, and held it tightly in his palm.

The warmth of his hand made Michelle Campbell pause for a moment, a comforting feeling spread from her palm to the bottom of her heart...

For some reason, she suddenly felt less afraid.

She looked up at him and gently nodded her head before releasing her other hand from his clothes.

Seeing this, Samuel pursed his thin lips in satisfaction and, holding her hand, slowly walked towards the deeper part of the sea...


Originally, Michelle was somewhat fearful of the deep sea water, but because of the warmth in Samuel's palm, she wasn't as afraid.

Just as this man by her side had said, he would protect her...


Not far from the two, several staff members had gathered, preparing to rescue and ensure safety in case of an accident at any time!
