Chapter 673: Making Her Cry...

"So let's get the divorce procedures over with quickly. Dragging it out is no good for either of us! Once we're divorced, whether we remarry or not, it has nothing to do with each other. Isn't that great?" Jessica Webb tried to maintain a calm mindset as she spoke to him.

She thought this should be quite persuasive!

He hated her so much, so if they separated like this, everyone would be free, wouldn't that be great?


However, her words only enraged Edward Noah Jackson; his face filled with anger, leaving no room for doubt.

Seeing his expression, Jessica Webb became somewhat panicked...

Did she say something wrong?

"Remarry?" At this time, Edward Noah Jackson suddenly scoffed!

She wanted to marry another man?

"What, am I wrong?" Jessica Webb instantly lost much of her momentum in the face of Edward's anger!

"You think, after divorcing me, any man would want you?" Edward Noah Jackson became furious at her words!

He was burning with rage, that's for sure.