Chapter 680: He Doesn't Care at All

"What are you doing!" Jessica Webb was shocked but didn't dare struggle too much since her foot really hurt.

Edward Noah Jackson didn't answer her question but carried her directly, striding towards the sofa!

A few seconds later, Jessica Webb was placed on the sofa.

"I told you I'm not hungry!" She glanced at him, speaking somewhat angrily!

"You don't have to eat, just watch me eat!" Edward Noah Jackson glanced at her and then suddenly spoke.

Hearing his words, Jessica Webb thought she had misheard...

"Why would I want to watch you eat?" She looked dissatisfied.

"Weren't you always like this before?" Edward Noah Jackson casually mentioned.

In the past, every time he had dinner at the Noah Jackson Family home, she would watch him eat!

Why couldn't she do the same thing now?


She had always been like this before...

Hearing Edward Noah Jackson's words, Jessica Webb couldn't help but laugh.

She had been stupid in the past!