Chapter 759: She is his only hobby.

Samuel Noah Jackson's answer remained the same, he didn't particularly like anything.

The third question, what is your favorite movie?

Samuel Noah Jackson's answer was still... none.

The fourth question, what is your favorite music?

His answer was still... none...

The following series of answers were all none.

What's the difference between his answers and having no answers at all?

Michelle Campbell, losing interest in continuing to read, inadvertently saw the answer to the last question.

What are your hobbies in your spare time?

Answer: Teasing Michelle Campbell!

This is the only answer that is not "none"...

Michelle really didn't know whether to laugh or cry...

So his usual hobby is teasing her?

So, does that mean she was his only hobby? But why didn't she feel happy about this at all?

And she is not a kitten or a puppy, why did he write it down as if he was just teasing a cat or a dog...