Chapter 761: Warm up yourself...

After comfortably taking a bath, Jessica Webb's body finally felt more comfortable, and the tension in her body gradually disappeared.

She dried her hair and walked out of the bathroom dressed in Michelle Campbell's clothes.

As soon as she walked out, she saw Michelle Campbell sitting on the sofa waiting for her.

"Done bathing? Come sit here!" Michelle Campbell patted the place next to her and beckoned to her.

Hearing this, Jessica Webb nodded, then slowly walked over and sat next to her.

Michelle Campbell stared at her for a moment, seeing that her complexion wasn't very good, she curiously asked, "Jessica, what exactly happened?"

Isn't she supposed to be abroad...

But why didn't she seem to know about it when she answered her phone call?

What exactly happened?

Hearing her asking this, Jessica Webb took a deep breath. She didn't know how to explain all the things that had happened in the past few months all at once.