Chapter 769: It's Really Ironic...

He had just found out about this matter, and it was the bodyguard who discovered something was wrong and hurriedly came to report it to him.

So he quickly went to find the Second Young Master, but happened to bump into him rushing downstairs!

"Send people to search, where can she go?!" Edward Noah Jackson's tone was full of anger!

She is a weak woman, where can she escape?

"But the key is, Miss went driving, and now she probably has already left." Henry Cooper sighed and then added!

According to the bodyguard, at that time, Miss took the car for a spin and drove away without a care...

From noon to evening in this period, she had plenty of time to leave City A!

"Driving? Who gave her the car?!" Edward Noah Jackson angrily questioned!

This group of useless people actually let her run away!

"It's your sports car... She had your key!" Henry Cooper looked at Edward and said awkwardly.