Chapter 1191: They are all his servants

"The church was bombed with the intention of killing you—they were targeting you,"

"Going back to The Baileys' Manor will only bring disaster..."

Anna Jadwin hugged her knees tightly, curling into a ball in anguish.

Maxwell Cameron has a genetic illness that requires crystals. The Great Demon King also wants crystals.

Their common goal was to find the Blue Tourmaline...

Maxwell Cameron disappeared mysteriously; when he appeared, the Great Demon King vanished, and Cameron could easily save the Sullivans. The Great Demon King had saved her and prevented her marriage to Wayne Bailey.

At the docks, as she lay dying, Maxwell Cameron miraculously showed up!

All the details clicked together; she should have realized it long ago, and Wayne Bailey had said it countless times—the Great Demon King was Maxwell Cameron!

But Anna Jadwin didn't want to believe it—wouldn't believe that he could be the killer who destroyed The Sullivans or that he could be so cruel.