Chapter 1227: This is Her Pendant Tag!

It was her behavior on the plane that kindled hope in him, her return plunged him into a fog of disbelief.

Yet it was her attitude that drove him to despair, in an instant he was cast back into hell.

In the days that followed, everything was as usual.

Wayne Bailey would pick out the best pieces of food for her during meals.

At night, Anna Jadwin and Leo, Ivy, and Stanley would sleep together, and Wayne Bailey would give each of them a goodnight kiss, turn off the lights, and look after them like a parent.

In the middle of the night, he would come over to cover her and the children with blankets, not even a locked door could stop him! But he would do nothing, just quietly watch them for a while and then leave…

By the end of the week, family programs and parent-child activities were still on schedule.

He still designed a piece of clothing for her every day, and once it was ready, he'd have the servants deliver it to her…