Chapter 58: Just Asking

James Black watched Old Sir leave in a pleased mood, eyebrow cheekily raised. It seemed Old Sir hadn't put much heart into the chess game from the start, hence he left just after a few opening moves, which was quite in line with his character.

Although he found it a bit baffling, James Black wouldn't possibly drag Old Sir back to finish the game. He sat in the study for a few seconds before following Old Sir down the stairs.

In the living room, Old Sir was in an exceptionally good mood, listening to the handsome little boy talk about school stories. Seeing James Black come down, he laughed heartily and, patting the boy's head with meaning, said, "Don't grow up to be like your uncle, just looking at him is irritating."

The handsome little boy's smile immediately vanished, and he stood there with a sulky face, staring at James Black without a word. In the boy's heart, daddy and uncle were both incredibly heroic figures.