Chapter 70: Just Playing

Seeing Old Master Black looking at her with a smile, she thought for a moment, then immediately ran to him, wrapped her arms around his arm, and said with feigned bravery, "Grandfather, James Black hid my wallet and made me go out just now without money to pay for stuff, how embarrassing!"

Jane Sampson was being so coquettish and tattling like that, and even James Black was surprised to see it. Has the silly goose learned to call in reinforcements now? After Jane finished her complaint and proudly stood next to Old Sir, she snorted at James Black, waiting for the elder to speak on her behalf. She didn't expect the Old Sir to enjoy the drama; instead, it was James Black who spoke first.

"Your wallet is under the pillow." James Black dropped the remark and went up to his room first.

It was only after James Black went upstairs that Jane Sampson let out a sound of surprise, as if marveling at something.