Chapter 74: Deserved

It obviously couldn't have been James Black who bit her.

"Oh my God, this acne! This acne!" Jane Sampson flung her mirror into her purse, leaned despondently against the back of the chair, and let out a long sigh, "My flourishing beauty is ruined."

"Flourishing beauty?" James Black had never heard anyone brag about themselves like that before, and he turned off the car, "Let me see."

James Black reached out, cupped Jane's face, and turned it towards him. Only then did he notice that she indeed had a sizable pimple on her chin. Seeing her pouting and unhappy, he pressed down on the pimple, and Jane cried out in pain.

"Does it hurt?" asked James Black, knowing full well.

"What do you think! What do you think!" Jane yelled at James Black, didn't he see her tears were almost spurting out from the pain?

"Serves you right." James Black reached over and unbuckled Jane's seatbelt, "Get out of the car."

If that wasn't deserving, what was?