Chapter 89: I Have a Good Memory

Jane Sampson's current mindset was purely that if she couldn't get things done, James Black shouldn't expect to be able to either.

Don't you like reading books before sleep?

Her script was still in her purse, and she hadn't even had a chance to glance at it, so why should he sit there leisurely while she tossed and turned in the bed?


"Are you sleepy?" James Black turned his wrist to look at his watch and asked.

"I'm dead tired, dead tired!" Jane Sampson urged repeatedly, "The light you've left on is affecting my sleep."

She didn't expect James Black to think she was being petty and storm out of the room in a fit of pique, so it didn't surprise her at all when, after putting away his book, he lay down next to her.

After all, that's just the kind of man he was, sometimes annoyingly nice.