Chapter 110: Much More Pleasing to the Eye

After saying that, Jane Sampson sensed that James Black's breathing seemed to have gotten noticeably heavier.

It's over, the more she explained, the angrier he seemed to get?

But, why?

"Jane Sampson."

James Black took a long breath before calling out her name and surname included, the woman who was earnestly and anxiously explaining on the other end of the phone. Then he said, word for word, "That 'husband' is me."

"..." Jane Sampson seemed to lose her ability to speak, stammering out a sound, "You? You? How did you become 'husband'?

What Jane meant was, how had his mobile number in her contact list turned into 'husband'?

She remembered...

"You took it upon yourself to change it that day we went to the shopping mall last weekend!" Jane Sampson immediately remembered that last weekend, James Black had taken her phone and discovered the nickname she had set for him, and then apparently he had changed it himself?