Chapter 117: It's not a big deal

"What's wrong?" Daniel Taylor's gaze shifted away from Jane Sampson, who was holding her mobile phone, and he knew she was making a call to Sister Tin when he heard her shout Sister Tin's name.

The "What's wrong?" was directed at Doctor Taylor, who had a slight smile on his face.

Daniel Taylor thought, if his cousin could still smile, it meant his situation wasn't too bad.

"Bad news, there's a tumor in my head, not small, good news, it's benign. You said you kept forgetting things recently when you came in for the examination last time. It's this tumor causing it," Doctor Taylor explained, "While the tumor hasn't worsened, it's best to remove it as soon as possible. The good news is, given the location of this tumor, the difficulty and risk of the surgery are both within controllable range. Plainly speaking, without any accidents, there shouldn't be any risk of death."