Chapter 153: What Sound Is That?

On the bathroom shelf, there were quite a few shower gels and facial cleansers among the men's exclusive skincare products that he had just opened. The bathroom even still carried the scent of James Black's habitually used aftershave.

To tell the truth, this scent felt almost otherworldly to Jane Sampson.

Before, James Black hardly ever came home, and there were no such items in the house. His visits were brief; he'd stay for a night, at most two, so he hardly needed them.

His towel was still dripping on the bathroom shelf. Jane's gaze swept across the shelf, and out of sheer boredom, she picked up his bottle of aftershave intending to take a sniff.

Perhaps it was a bit perverse, but she found the scent particularly appealing.

"It smells much better than most men's perfumes," Jane commented, then shook the bottle in her hand.