Chapter 156: I Need a Reason

What he wanted to do wasn't too hard to guess from the change in where he kissed, starting with her lips, then her brows and eyes, then behind her ears, her neck, and all the way down.

Jane Sampson could clearly feel the changes in his body, which, even in the darkness, didn't require sight to sense that particular shift.

Jane Sampson's body trembled slightly, he had never kissed her with such tenderness before, nor had he ever kissed her brows and eyes.

Jane Sampson listened to the heavy breathing next to her ear, her gaze going from hazy to gradually clear.

She didn't know where she got the courage from, but she managed to muster all her strength and flipped the man off of her.

Perhaps unexpectedly, James Black's body slid to the side, and then his gaze, somewhat astonished, fell on the person next to him.

"What's wrong?" James Black asked, his voice deep and hoarse, so sensually overpowering it was hard to withstand.