Chapter 235: Villain

"Wait here, and don't wander off," James Black's eyes scanned the surroundings before settling on one direction for a few seconds. He then looked back at Jane Sampson, who was still sitting on the sandy land, "Stand up yourself."

The sand was soft, and falling on it didn't hurt at all.

Jane Sampson was merely startled by James Black's action. Hearing his instructions, she uttered "Oh," and clumsily stood up, using both her hands and feet.

Once she was steady on her feet, James Black, without a word, turned and walked away toward the direction he had just been looking at for a few seconds.

Jane Sampson touched the tip of her nose.



Jane Sampson took out her mobile phone and snapped a photo of James Black's retreating figure. She didn't bother to Photoshop it—let him look ugly, and she immediately posted it to Moments.