Chapter 252: James Carter's Mrs. Carter

"Peter Gingery, come out here," James Black called to Peter Gingery and then headed down the building first.

"Why did the Chief suddenly call you out? Did you do something wrong?" Teammate A looked at Peter Gingery with sympathy. "Having a cousin like the Chief, we're not sure whether to envy you or to sympathize with you."

"Better to sympathize, after all. It's tough being under his command," Teammate B spoke his mind.

Peter Gingery went down the building, as if bracing himself for something tough.

James Black stood under a tree down the dormitory building. When Peter arrived, he was leaning against the tree with his mobile phone in hand. Late at night, the glow from the mobile phone screen cast a sinister light on James Black's face.

"Brother," Peter Gingery stopped about a meter away from James Black and looked at him timidly, his legs ready to run at any moment.