Chapter 312: The Further, the Better

After reading the comments, Jane Sampson silently put away her mobile phone and then slowly reached out to grab a bag of potato chips. Seeing James Black turn his head to look at her, she quickly said, "This is my one bag for the week!"

So, she had to start from the biggest bag.

Jane felt relieved in her heart, thankful that when she bought them, she always chose the large bags. She thought to herself that she was quite clever.

Seeing James Black's gaze shift away again, Jane kicked off her shoes and curled her legs up on the sofa. However, with the potato chips in hand, Jane encountered another problem.

Um, her right hand had no strength, and she couldn't tear open the packaging.

In the house, only James Black could help her now.

Jane, holding the potato chips and barefoot, ran over and sat next to James Black. She handed him the potato chips with an especially lovely smile, "James, can you help me open this?"