Chapter 332: Can't Get Down

"Not bad, realizing that," James Black lifted Jane Sampson up from the bed.

"Then, may I make a small request?" Jane raised a finger toward James, "A very tiny one."

"Let's hear it first." Considering that Jane was often slippery, James did not immediately agree.

Jane immediately sat up straight, her eyes sparkling as she looked at James and said with a chuckle, "Wait for me until two o'clock for shopping at noon!"

James's eyes darkened slightly. Hmm, he just knew that Jane wouldn't say anything to please him.

"Are you going to agree or not?" Jane hurriedly asked.

"One o'clock it is, and if it's one minute more, don't expect me to wait for you." James tapped Jane's forehead, "Get up, don't dawdle."

"You... are too bullying!" Jane, without even changing her lines, had her raised finger trembling slightly, obviously quite angry.